sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Noah (2014)

Darren Aronofsky wanted to make an epic disaster movie. So he did. And what could be better than the Bible's Old Testament great flood to do it?  Noah is an interesting movie. A strange and interesting movie that is only limited due to its genre. Religious interpretation aside, Aronofsky manages to explore, and not so superficially as it may seem, faith, loyalty, evolutionism and, like most of his movies (like Black Swan), obsession. Of course, the movie's own setting, the old world, is a fantasy one, so Noah had little to do to overcome that. Giant stone warriors, the animal CGI, and the flood itself are based on the biblical text which on screen presentation must be embraced. Russel Crowe delivers a great interpretation of the faithful, happy and dark Noah, who lives in a small strange world inhabited only by Caim's descendants army and cities. So lets face it: Aronofsky's material is not a complex nor particularly characterized one, and it couldn't be. It is what is is, and it's great. If you want the biblical exact depiction, you should read the bible, and not this smart, strange and highly entertaining movie.

Trailer follows:

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