It is hard to talk about This is The End in little words. Raised with great expectations, This is the End could easily be the biggest disappointment of the year. The movie could have ended up in a self-indulgent way of approaching aggravated versions of the real actors who play the movie. It could even end up in a silly "spot the celebrity" movie. Fortunately, this was not the case. Well yes, the "spot the celebrity part" is there, and it is awesome as there are dozens of cameos of well known comedy actors, but there is much more. The storyline, inserted in the crazy over the top apocalypse scenario, is guided by a series of small scenes, which you could define as small sketches, some awesome, others not that awesome, but overall with a great soul. The bromantic side of these group of actors is funny as hell, and their sissy versions of rich motherf**** actors is hilarious. But it's the inside jokes that stand out, the real movies where these actors played like Pineapple Express, Moneyball or even Million Dollar Baby are mocked, just like the actors themselves for some other not so good roles they have taken. And let's face it, the level of ambition of this movie was sky high, and as expected, there was some stuff that didn't turn out so smoothly. The overall movie feels strange, weird, sometimes it feels like an amateur comedy with bad computer effects, and it has a hard time connecting to the audience for a bit, but that is also part of its soul. It is large in numbers, but light in formula. But then we are presented by some scenes that really could go to the book of best scenes in comedy history, and that deserves a standing ovation. It's a delight to see Franco, Rogen, Jonah Hill (I could be here for ages) together, and the final product is indeed very weird but incredibly funny and original. This is the End is a comedy that you can compare with no other in style, breathing quality for almost every scene.

Trailer follows:
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